19th September 2024

Search Sileby Parish Council

Serving the people of Sileby

Financial Information

Quarterly Expenditure Transactions

Annual Return

The Annual Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of the Council on application to the Parish Manager. The Parish Council has received an "unqualified audit" certificate which means the information in the Annual Return is in accordance with proper practices and no other matters have come to the external auditor's attention giving cause for concern that relative legislative and regulatory requirements have not been met. An unqualified audit indicates a clean report and implies that the accounting policies, their application and effects, are adequately determined and divulged and that the return is transparent and thorough and has not hidden important facts.

Councillors' Allowances and Expenses


Financial Regulations

Land and Buildings owned by Sileby Parish Council

Last updated: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 11:40